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Ancient Views of the Self

Ancient Views of the Self

of the self, and those like Plato, who believed that the body was merely "...a prison house for the soul." She explains that as a result of his views
Subject: soul

What is Human Nature?: Plato's View of Human Nature

What is Human Nature?: Plato's View of Human Nature

winged horses. He believes that a human being is essentially a soul with three parts: the rational part; the emotional or spirited part; and the basic
Subject: soul
Transcript: briefly about the nature of the soul... by using an image, and let the image have three parts: a pair of winged horses and a charioteer. one of the horses

Memory and the Soul

Memory and the Soul

person is not the province of "the soul," but of the memories each of us has.
Subject: soul

Pragmatism, Language and Reality

Pragmatism, Language and Reality

Philosopher Richard Rorty explores the link between language and reality, suggesting that no one language is any closer to reality than any other. Whether it's the language of poetry, the language of physics, the language of theology or any other la...
Subject: soul
Transcript: possession of an immaterial element, Called a mind or a soul? " And the obvious answer was they've got language. The other animals haven't. Because they've got