This clip provides a subtracting signed fractions problem in which negative 3/5 is subtracted from 4/5. The clip advises the student to "
change the sign of the subtrahend and change the subtraction to addition. The problem become 4/5 plus positive...
This clip explains that subtraction can be looked at in either of two ways: having some quantity and taking away part of it, or finding the missing addend. "We have 4 dollars (and) we need 7. What must we add to 4 to get 7?" the clip asks. Because p...
This clip takes the student through a 3-step shortcut in subtracting signed numbers. Step 1 is to change the sign of the subtrahend from negative to positive or positive to negative. Step 2 is to change the subtraction to addition. Step 3 is to fini...
This clip provides an exercise in which the student must solve a subtraction problem involving a negative number. The clip includes the steps necessary to solve the problem, as well as the correct answer.
This clip explains the steps necessary to solve a problem in which a negative number is subtracted from a positive number.
This clip explains the steps necessary to solve a problem in which a larger number is subtracted from a smaller number.
This clip explains how students can use the number line to more easily understand the subtraction of negative numbers. The clip also points out that one of the reasons signed numbers were invented "
(was so that) we can subtract any two numbers