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Tools for Solving Word Problems

Tools for Solving Word Problems

To solve word problems, carefully consider the problem to establish what you are looking for and give it a label, identify the essential information, then build and solve an algebraic equation based on that information, and check your answer.

Practical Problem: Find the Number of Pizzas and Subs

Practical Problem: Find the Number of Pizzas and Subs

Practice evaluating a practical problem, developing an equation based on the essential information using a table to help, then solving the equation.

Graphic Solution for Equation with Two Variables

Graphic Solution for Equation with Two Variables

Graphs, tables, and equations are three ways to describe a relationship between two variables.

Solving the Same Rate-Time-Distance Problem Using One and Two Variables

Solving the Same Rate-Time-Distance Problem Using One and Two Variables

Two different ways to write an algebraic equation for the same word problem involving rate, time, and distance are compared.

Quadratic Equations Can Have Two, One, or No Solutions

Quadratic Equations Can Have Two, One, or No Solutions

Quadratic equations with one variable can have one solution, two solutions, or no solution at all.

Practical Problem: How Much Land to Buy

Practical Problem: How Much Land to Buy

A practical problem involving the purchase of land is presented. The available information is organized into a table, an equation is written, then solved using the least common denominator to get a quadratic equation, and the solution checked.

Solving a Rate-Time-Distance Problem Using One Variable

Solving a Rate-Time-Distance Problem Using One Variable

How to write an equation with one variable to solve a practical problem involving rate, time, and distance using a table to help organize the information.

Graphic of Quadratic Equations

Graphic of Quadratic Equations

All quadratic equations with two variables have an infinite number of solutions. When graphed, these ordered pairs lie on a curve called a parabola.

Review of Solving Complicated Word Problems

Review of Solving Complicated Word Problems

Summary of how to solve a complicated word problem.

Practical Problem: Two Solutions for a Work Problem

Practical Problem: Two Solutions for a Work Problem

A practical work problem that requires finding out how long it will take two workers with different work speeds to complete a task is solved using an equation with a rational expression. Two different approaches to finding the solution to this probl...