This clip presents the units for length, fluid volume and mass used in the Metric System. The clip also provides some of the key prefixes and abbreviations for Metric System units of measurement, as well as unit equivalences.
A practical problem about volume is solved using division of a rational expression.
This clip explains that the United States stands virtually alone in using the U.S. Customary System of Measurement (also known as the English System). Most of the world uses the Metric System. The clip lays out the Metric System equivalences for the...
This clip talks about the important role measurement plays in daily life. The clip also explains that denominate numbers, which consist of a number and a unit, are used whenever something is measured. Finally, the clip mentions the United States Cus...
This clip explores the conversion of units between the U.S. Customary System and the Metric System. The clip explains that the transition factor for converting from a metric unit to a U.S. unit is 1.06 quarts over 1 liter.
This clip explores some of the factors that go into the decision about where to locate a business once the region and city have been chosen. Depending on the type of business, factors to consider include: the physical attributes of the space, access...
Management of self is a four dimensional process that involves management of time, territory, records and stress.
This clip provides practical problems that are solved by converting between metric and U.S. units. The problems include figuring out a hospital's requirements for antiseptic solution, the capacity of an automobile's gas tank, the amount of cough syr...
This clip includes several practical problems which are solved in part through the use of unit equivalences and the unit cancellation method taught in an earlier lesson.
This clip explains that fluid units are not the only means by which to measure the volume inside a container. "We can also measure volume with cubic units," the clip states. "Both volumes measure the same amount of space; these are just different wa...