Review of the slope-intercept form showing how to write an equation given the slope and the y-intercept, and how to write an equation to solve for the y-intercept given the slope and one point.
Rewriting an equation in slope-intercept form.
Using the slope-intercept form of equation, the amount of a hotel will charge to make a call from the phone in their room is calculated.
A practical application of the slope-intercept equation involving rate of change is demonstrated.
A practice problem for using the slope-intercept form to graph a negative slope.
How to identify and the y-intercept in an equation.
Two example of finding slope using a line offer practice of this skill.
Looking at a practical problem from the perspective offered by a slope-intercept solution and from that offered by a standard form equation solution.
Constructing a slope-intercept form of equation based on a graph.
Using the slope-intercept form of equation, a practical problem involving the rate of growth of a stack of newspapers is calculated.