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Bill Moyers journal: inside the banking crisis - an anthology. Pt. 1 of 2

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Since the first rumblings of the subprime mortgage meltdown, Bill Moyers Journal has stayed on the story of the economic collapse with original reporting and in-depth interviews, making headlines and informing the public with great range and depth. This anthology provides a selection of Journal segments from June 2007 through May 2009 featuring economists, historians, Wall Street financiers, community organizers, and other experts who provide powerful insight into the roots of the crisis and have stimulated a crucial national dialogue on its causes, effects, and possible solutions. Segments include... "Gretchen Morgenson" (6/29/07): With U.S. foreclosures mounting at a record pace, New York Times financial columnist Gretchen Morgenson discusses the mortgage crisis and its ramifications... "John C. Bogle" (9/28/07): Investment industry giant John Bogle addresses a growing crisis in American capitalism: that corporations are being run to maximize the returns of its managers at the expense of its stockholders... "Subprime Crisis in Cleveland" (7/18/08): Correspondent Rick Karr reports on Slavic Village - a once-thriving neighborhood where more than 1,000 homes stand vacant due to predatory lending, toxic mortgages, and foreclosures... "Emma Coleman Jordan" (10/3/08): Emma Coleman Jordan, a professor at Georgetown Law and an economic justice expert, considers the proposed economic bailout package and its potential winners and losers... "James K. Galbraith" (10/24/08): Economist James K. Galbraith - author of The Predator State: How Conservatives Abandoned the Free Market and Why Liberals Should Too - sheds light on America's financial crisis, the bailout, and the road ahead... "Simon Johnson" (2/13/09): Simon Johnson, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, examines President Obama's economic recovery plan, discusses the roots of America's economic crisis, and dissects the failures of TARP... "Jobs with Justice in Chicago" (3/27/09): Community organizer James Thindwa of Jobs with Justice is profiled. The Jobs with Justice campaign for economic fairness for workers has brought the organization up against Republic Windows and Doors, Chicago's political establishment, and the corporate giant Wal-Mart... "William K. Black" (4/3/09): William K. Black, a forthright senior regulator during the notorious S&L scandal, critiques the bailout and offers a blunt analysis of what - and who - went wrong this time... "Simon Johnson & Michael Perino" (4/24/09): Economist Simon Johnson, formerly of the IMF, and legal scholar and former SEC adviser Michael Perino discuss the rising clamor for "Pecora II," a revival of the Great Depression's Pecora Commission... "City Life/Vida Urbana in Boston" (5/1/09): Steve Meacham, a community organizer working with City Life/Vida Urbana, is profiled. City Life/Vida Urbana is a grassroots organization that is pioneering new strategies to help low-income Bostonians halt the tidal wave of evictions and foreclosures in their neighborhoods. Pt. 1 of 2.
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