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As the industrialized world's desire for oil grows larger, so does the opposition from environmental groups intent on protecting the land. As demand increases, what restraints should be put on where oil companies drill? This documentary journey heads to the farthest reaches of Alaska and Canada, with a side trip to Washington, D.C. As the pressure for oil - and "energy security" - increases, fragile wilderness areas across the globe are being opened up to oil exploration and furious debate. Featured is Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In Washington, those lobbying for and against tapping into ANWR's oil supply state their cases. The filmmakers also explore the oil sands in a pristine forest landscape in Alberta, Canada, the extraction site of what some call "the world's worst oil."
Extreme oil
01:00:03 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
Higher education
Copyright Holder
Name Films Media Group (Firm)
Address200 Metro Blvd., Suite 124, Hamilton, NJ 08619
Email[email protected]
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This video is protected by copyright. You are free to view it but not download or remix it. Please contact the licensing institution for further information about how you may use this video.
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