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A history of black achievement in America: the fight for freedom

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In this third program of an eight-part series, Black Achievement, or African American Achievement, and Black Heroes, or African American Heroes, are depicted against the backdrop of the American Civil War. This original, eight-part series documents Black Achievement in American history, its defining role in the growth of the country, and its influence on current events. Presented by James Avery, the series highlights the many contributions of Black Americans that have influenced our culture, enriched our society with their achievements, and shaped the history of the United States. It's one of the least known stories in American history. It is the story of black achievement and accomplishment. Against all odds, American blacks have built their own institutions: families, schools, churches and businesses. Against all odds, American blacks have created great art and science... Fought heroically in every American war. Against all odds, black men and women have worked endlessly to secure their own freedom and equality. The untold Story of blacks in America is a 350-year saga of incredible achievements. This is that story.
A history of black achievement in America
00:26:08 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
History students, Social studies students, African American studies students
Copyright Holder
Name Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc.
Address3065 High St., Mohegan Lake, NY 10547
Email[email protected]
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