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Trans filmmaker Jules Rosskam's against a trans narrative is a provocative and personal experimental documentary investigating dominant constructions of trans-masculine identity, gender, and the nature of community.

By sensitively framing the film through his own personal journey within the trans-masculine community, Rosskam creates an electric and original investigation into gender politics and social self-identity.

Blending fiction, nonfiction, and experimental film genres, against a trans narrative employs a genre-busting combination of intimate diary footage, stylized dramatic scenes, spoken-word performance, faux audition tapes, and roundtable interview footage to explore and initiate a dialogue between feminists, queers, and trans-folk about the way we construct personal and historical narratives. Careful attention is paid to the ways generation, race, class, and culture impact our understandings of gender.
01:01:09 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
Adult/Continuing Education, Higher Education, College, High School (grades 10-12)
Copyright Holder
Name Video Data Bank
RoleAgent or representative
AddressSchool of the Art Institute of Chicago 112 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60603
Copyright Date
Rights Declaration:
This media is protected by copyright. You are free to view it but not download or remix it. Please contact the licensing institution for further information about how you may use this video.
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