Vol. XLI – No. 2
This issue contains articles on how Student Government were awarded control over allocation and disbursement of funds for student groups, an announcement that grant monies for BC students and faculty will be more than double for the 1970-1971 school year, and the BC Volunteer Tutoring Program awarded a citation in recognition of outstanding community service.
Note: Due to the quality of the scans some pages are hard to read. It is also hard to decipher the volume of this newspaper. The side of pages 11, 12, and 16 are slightly cut off obscuring some of the text.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, url, accessed on mm/dd/yyyy.
This issue contains articles on how Student Government were awarded control over allocation and disbursement of funds for student groups, an announcement that grant monies for BC students and faculty will be more than double for the 1970-1971 school year, and the BC Volunteer Tutoring Program awarded a citation in recognition of outstanding community service.
Note: Due to the quality of the scans some pages are hard to read. It is also hard to decipher the volume of this newspaper. The side of pages 11, 12, and 16 are slightly cut off obscuring some of the text.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, url, accessed on mm/dd/yyyy.
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