Footage from the 1997 documentary “A Life Apart: Hasidism in America” (directed by Menachem Daum and Oren Rudavsky), the first in-depth documentary about Hasidic Jews, members of a distinctive group within Judaism that has roots in pre-World War II Eastern Europe.
Interview with Berel and Chanie Lazar about being brought up in a family of shlichim (Chabad emissaries) and the aims of their work in the Jewish community in Moscow. (Part 1) 11/28/1993.
00:01:00 - Filmmaker Menachem Daum and Associate Producer Sari Fensterheim.
00:01:02 - Berel Lazar interviewed at home in front of portrait of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The importance of 770 Eastern Parkway in his life. Coming back there is like coming home and an inspiration to his work as a Chabad emissary in Russia.
00:04:55 - Berel Lazar and his wife Chanie, holding baby. 770 Eastern Parkway is an inspiration to her and it's hard to be so far away from the Rebbe when they're in Russia. Berel describes the nature of their work as Chabad shlikhim (emissaries) in Russia. They came to New York for Chanie to have the baby. Now they will go back to Russia, arriving of the anniversary of the previous Rebbe's release from Soviet prison.
00:05:03 - Chanie Lazar. How she and her husband met. Both came from families that had experience serving as emissaries for Chabad. They went to Russia after getting the okay from the Rebbe. Berl Lazar: Shlikhus (Chabad outreach mission) was the invention of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, who began sending Chabad emissaries around the world after the Holocaust to bring Jews closer to Judaism and help them materially too. For him and Chanie, shlikhus is "a life style."
00:08:46 - Chanie Lazar: She grew up as the child of shlikhim in Pittsburgh and knowing that she had to be a role model. Berel Lazar: He grew up in a family of shlikim in Milan, Italy and also was under pressure to serve as a role model for others. From childhood on he was interested in continuing his parents' shlikhus. Against all odds his father established a school in Milan and against all odds they are establishing something in Russia.
00:12:09 - Chanie Lazar: People also found it hard to believe that a Jewish school could be established in Pittsburgh. Berl Lazar: Explains who and what the Lubavitcher Rebbe is: the 7th in a dynasty. Lubavitch means city of love. And that's the message of the Rebbe. We are living in the Messianic era. A few years ago the Rebbe announced that the Messiah is already here. We are only waiting now for the revelation of the Messiah.
00:15:41 - (No audio) Berel and Chanie Lazar.
00:16:40 - Berel Lazar: all of his and Chanie's siblings are shlikhim serving in far-flung communities. Their reunions are at conferences of shlikhim. When the cousins come together, all the children are speaking different second languages, in addition to Yiddish. They all have the same goal and there is no generation gap in their families. Chanie Lazar: in her family, many of the women are educators, including some who are school principals.
Interview with Berel and Chanie Lazar about being brought up in a family of shlichim (Chabad emissaries) and the aims of their work in the Jewish community in Moscow. (Part 1) 11/28/1993.
00:01:00 - Filmmaker Menachem Daum and Associate Producer Sari Fensterheim.
00:01:02 - Berel Lazar interviewed at home in front of portrait of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The importance of 770 Eastern Parkway in his life. Coming back there is like coming home and an inspiration to his work as a Chabad emissary in Russia.
00:04:55 - Berel Lazar and his wife Chanie, holding baby. 770 Eastern Parkway is an inspiration to her and it's hard to be so far away from the Rebbe when they're in Russia. Berel describes the nature of their work as Chabad shlikhim (emissaries) in Russia. They came to New York for Chanie to have the baby. Now they will go back to Russia, arriving of the anniversary of the previous Rebbe's release from Soviet prison.
00:05:03 - Chanie Lazar. How she and her husband met. Both came from families that had experience serving as emissaries for Chabad. They went to Russia after getting the okay from the Rebbe. Berl Lazar: Shlikhus (Chabad outreach mission) was the invention of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, who began sending Chabad emissaries around the world after the Holocaust to bring Jews closer to Judaism and help them materially too. For him and Chanie, shlikhus is "a life style."
00:08:46 - Chanie Lazar: She grew up as the child of shlikhim in Pittsburgh and knowing that she had to be a role model. Berel Lazar: He grew up in a family of shlikim in Milan, Italy and also was under pressure to serve as a role model for others. From childhood on he was interested in continuing his parents' shlikhus. Against all odds his father established a school in Milan and against all odds they are establishing something in Russia.
00:12:09 - Chanie Lazar: People also found it hard to believe that a Jewish school could be established in Pittsburgh. Berl Lazar: Explains who and what the Lubavitcher Rebbe is: the 7th in a dynasty. Lubavitch means city of love. And that's the message of the Rebbe. We are living in the Messianic era. A few years ago the Rebbe announced that the Messiah is already here. We are only waiting now for the revelation of the Messiah.
00:15:41 - (No audio) Berel and Chanie Lazar.
00:16:40 - Berel Lazar: all of his and Chanie's siblings are shlikhim serving in far-flung communities. Their reunions are at conferences of shlikhim. When the cousins come together, all the children are speaking different second languages, in addition to Yiddish. They all have the same goal and there is no generation gap in their families. Chanie Lazar: in her family, many of the women are educators, including some who are school principals.
00:23:40 (HH:MM:SS)
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