Footage from the 1997 documentary “A Life Apart: Hasidism in America” (directed by Menachem Daum and Oren Rudavsky), the first in-depth documentary about Hasidic Jews, members of a distinctive group within Judaism that has roots in pre-World War II Eastern Europe.
Interview with Ben Zion Horowitz, a Bobover Hasid. (Part 4) Interview with his parents, Mayer and Sara Horowitz. (Part 1) 1/17/1994
Terms you may encounter:
Tefillin: Leather straps and boxes containing biblical verse worn for weekday morning prayer.
00:00:26 - Interview with Ben Zion Horowitz: About how after WWII it was believed that Hasidism was dead. Song mourning that fact.
00:02:15 - His wife is from a Satmar Hasidic family and it is not permitted to film her or his daughters. Description of the Bobov school they attend.
00:04:03 - Interview with Mayer Horowitz (Yiddish): About his childhood and family before the war in Chrzanów (?), a town in southwest Poland. About his experiences during World War II and immediately afterward. Returns to his town. Leaves with Zionist group when there are rumors of a pogrom.
00:09:41 - About traveling with Zionist group to Hungary and then to Austria.
00:11:29 - Goes to Israel via Italy. Is imprisoned for four weeks. Meets Jewish partisans there and lays tefillin for the first time in years.
00:22:36 - Audio only. Wild sound.
Interview with Ben Zion Horowitz, a Bobover Hasid. (Part 4) Interview with his parents, Mayer and Sara Horowitz. (Part 1) 1/17/1994
Terms you may encounter:
Tefillin: Leather straps and boxes containing biblical verse worn for weekday morning prayer.
00:00:26 - Interview with Ben Zion Horowitz: About how after WWII it was believed that Hasidism was dead. Song mourning that fact.
00:02:15 - His wife is from a Satmar Hasidic family and it is not permitted to film her or his daughters. Description of the Bobov school they attend.
00:04:03 - Interview with Mayer Horowitz (Yiddish): About his childhood and family before the war in Chrzanów (?), a town in southwest Poland. About his experiences during World War II and immediately afterward. Returns to his town. Leaves with Zionist group when there are rumors of a pogrom.
00:09:41 - About traveling with Zionist group to Hungary and then to Austria.
00:11:29 - Goes to Israel via Italy. Is imprisoned for four weeks. Meets Jewish partisans there and lays tefillin for the first time in years.
00:22:36 - Audio only. Wild sound.
00:26:50 (HH:MM:SS)
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