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Yaffa fish store in Borough Park on the eve of Purim (1)
Footage from the 1997 documentary “A Life Apart: Hasidism in America” (directed by Menachem Daum and Oren Rudavsky), the first in-depth documentary about Hasidic Jews, members of a distinctive group within Judaism that has roots in pre-World War II Eastern Europe.

Fish store in Borough Park on the eve of Purim, Jewish holiday celebrated in commemoration of the deliverance of the Jews from the massacre plotted by Haman, when it is customary for children dress up in costume. (Part 1) Interviews with fishmonger Nuta Kaufman, a Satmar Hasid, and other employees. 2/24/1994

00:07:07 - (No audio) Nuta Kaufman cutting fish. Customers in the store. Men drinking schnapps.

00:10:30 - Interview with Kaufman while he is cutting cod. (English) About outreach to Russian Jews, provision of food to the poor. (Yiddish)

00:16:08 - Kaufman coaches a man off camera to say a blessing before he takes a drink of schnapps. He explains (n Yiddish) that people are gathering outside for food care packages that he is distributing before the holiday of Purim in the spirit of sholekhmones (food baskets given as gifts on Purim).

00:18:42 - (No audio) People outside waiting for holiday food care packages. (Audio) Kaufman says that he is appearing on camera only because it's helping other Jews (the filmmakers) make a living. (Yiddish).

00:19:53 - A younger Hasidic man explains more in English about the distribution of holiday food packages by Yeshues Yisroel, a charitable organization. A conversation in Yiddish between Menachem Daum and Kaufman shot through the window in which he tells a story about a divorce (get). People waiting outside for sholekhmones.

00:22:49 - Audio only. Wild sound.
00:29:44 (HH:MM:SS)
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