Footage from the 1997 documentary “A Life Apart: Hasidism in America” (directed by Menachem Daum and Oren Rudavsky), the first in-depth documentary about Hasidic Jews, members of a distinctive group within Judaism that has roots in pre-World War II Eastern Europe.
Interview with Ben Zion Horowitz, a Bobover Hasid. (Part 3) 1/17/1994
Terms you may encounter:
Esreg: Citron used in Sukkot holiday ritual
00:00:18 - Interview with Ben Zion Horowitz: He only really feels Hasidic on Shabbos. About how he prepares for Shabbos on Friday and how he spends Shabbos.
00:03:23 - About how his father rarely talks about his experiences during the Holocaust. Impact made by his father choosing to return to Hasidism after the war. Hasidism as a chain of generations. About how he collects Holocaust artifacts as a way of understanding his father's pain.
00:07:54 - Display and explanation of an item from Ben Zion's Holocaust collection.
00:08:38 - About how his wife plays the most important role in the education of his children. He has 3 daughters and a son. The girls help out at home.
00:10:21 - About the good-heartedness of his father and his joyous loving relationship with his family. His whole family was killed in the Holocaust but now he has over 70 grandchildren, all of them with the names of murdered family members. "It's like seeing his family again."
00:13:15 - About how expensive Hasidic life is: the cost of sending children to parochial school, special obligatory holiday expenditures, such as the esreg required for Sukkot. A story told by the Sandzer Rebbe about a man who exchanged his wife's silver candlesticks for a very expensive esreg.
00:20:16 - About how Hasidim teach the commandments with a "pat," while other Orthodox Jews teach them with "a stick." That the commandments create joy. The Bobover Rebbe and his father, too, exemplify this approach: that everything should be looked at in a positive way.
Interview with Ben Zion Horowitz, a Bobover Hasid. (Part 3) 1/17/1994
Terms you may encounter:
Esreg: Citron used in Sukkot holiday ritual
00:00:18 - Interview with Ben Zion Horowitz: He only really feels Hasidic on Shabbos. About how he prepares for Shabbos on Friday and how he spends Shabbos.
00:03:23 - About how his father rarely talks about his experiences during the Holocaust. Impact made by his father choosing to return to Hasidism after the war. Hasidism as a chain of generations. About how he collects Holocaust artifacts as a way of understanding his father's pain.
00:07:54 - Display and explanation of an item from Ben Zion's Holocaust collection.
00:08:38 - About how his wife plays the most important role in the education of his children. He has 3 daughters and a son. The girls help out at home.
00:10:21 - About the good-heartedness of his father and his joyous loving relationship with his family. His whole family was killed in the Holocaust but now he has over 70 grandchildren, all of them with the names of murdered family members. "It's like seeing his family again."
00:13:15 - About how expensive Hasidic life is: the cost of sending children to parochial school, special obligatory holiday expenditures, such as the esreg required for Sukkot. A story told by the Sandzer Rebbe about a man who exchanged his wife's silver candlesticks for a very expensive esreg.
00:20:16 - About how Hasidim teach the commandments with a "pat," while other Orthodox Jews teach them with "a stick." That the commandments create joy. The Bobover Rebbe and his father, too, exemplify this approach: that everything should be looked at in a positive way.
00:22:49 (HH:MM:SS)
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