Footage from the 1997 documentary “A Life Apart: Hasidism in America” (directed by Menachem Daum and Oren Rudavsky), the first in-depth documentary about Hasidic Jews, members of a distinctive group within Judaism that has roots in pre-World War II Eastern Europe.
Interview with Joad Cohen, a former Satmar Hasid. (Part 3) Matzoh bakery, Brooklyn. (Part 1)
00:00:05 - He is a rule-breaker. His Yiddish name is Elimelech Borekh Cohen, named after Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, and Borekh after his father's grandfather. He renamed himself Joad. Talks in general about Hasidism, says he doesn't know much about Jewish history in general.
00:16:22 - Inside a matzoh bakery: men rolling out dough for matzohs. Matzoh being put into an oven and removed when baked.
00:16:38 - Audio only. Joad Cohen interview: how different his life would be if he had remained a Hasid. An unpleasant interaction with his father and a brother where he was accused of being ungrateful for his father putting him through yeshiva. He himself would have preferred to go to public school.
Interview with Joad Cohen, a former Satmar Hasid. (Part 3) Matzoh bakery, Brooklyn. (Part 1)
00:00:05 - He is a rule-breaker. His Yiddish name is Elimelech Borekh Cohen, named after Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, and Borekh after his father's grandfather. He renamed himself Joad. Talks in general about Hasidism, says he doesn't know much about Jewish history in general.
00:16:22 - Inside a matzoh bakery: men rolling out dough for matzohs. Matzoh being put into an oven and removed when baked.
00:16:38 - Audio only. Joad Cohen interview: how different his life would be if he had remained a Hasid. An unpleasant interaction with his father and a brother where he was accused of being ungrateful for his father putting him through yeshiva. He himself would have preferred to go to public school.
00:24:00 (HH:MM:SS)
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