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Interview with Zeldy (3)
Footage from the 1997 documentary “A Life Apart: Hasidism in America” (directed by Menachem Daum and Oren Rudavsky), the first in-depth documentary about Hasidic Jews, members of a distinctive group within Judaism that has roots in pre-World War II Eastern Europe.

Interview with storekeeper Zeldy Abramowitz, a Satmar Hasid, in her store. (Part 3)

00:00:05 - Interview with Zeldy: About the different roles for men and women but how women are not subservient to men. About how Hasidic girls want to get married and have children. About how much more important a legacy children are then "running Westinghouse." About how happy she is and how she doesn't feel how she is giving anything up. She and Malky deal with the customer.

00:03:54 - About how outsiders stereotype Hasidim. About how Hasidic women have equal input in decision-making for the family and are respected by their husbands. About how family life, community, is the best part of being a Hasidic woman. About how the rules of modesty don't bother her. About how her one experience of watching television shocked her.

00:07:51 - (No audio) Customers in the store.

00:08:38 - Interview with Zeldy: About how when she had to go to Boston for medical community, she was taken care of by an organization run by the Bostoner Rebbe. About how there are always some people in any community who are unhappy.
00:12:56 (HH:MM:SS)
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