Footage from the 1997 documentary “A Life Apart: Hasidism in America” (directed by Menachem Daum and Oren Rudavsky), the first in-depth documentary about Hasidic Jews, members of a distinctive group within Judaism that has roots in pre-World War II Eastern Europe.
Interview with Mrs. Deren, a Chabad (Lubavitcher) Hasid in Pittsburgh. Night before the bris (circumcision) of her grandson, the child of her daughter Chanie and her husband, Berel Lazar. (Part 2) 2/20/1995
Terms you may encounter:
Borukh Hashem: Blessed be God
Ainikl/ainiklekh: grandchild/grandchildren
Shaliakh/shlikhim/shlikhus: Chabad emissary/emmisaries; a Chabad outreach mission
Zaideh: Grandfather, also pronounced Zyda
00:00:13 - Interview with Mrs. Deren: About how she and all of her siblings are shlichim. About her father's reaction to hearing that daughter Chanie was going to Russia to serve as a shaliach there.
00:05:05 - About Chanie as the baby of the family. About acceptance of Chanie moving with her husband to Russia.
00:08:11 - About outsiders' false perceptions of Hasidic women as "confined." About shlikhes being a partnership of husband and wife, a way of life. Explains what being a shaliach means.
00:11:19 - In Mrs. Deren's home: children, grandchildren and their parents, grandmother to welcome Berel and Chanie Lazar's baby son before his bris and to say the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4–9 and 11:13–21 and Numbers 15:37–41, the Jewish confession of faith) and other blessings and to sing a song about Moshiach (the Messiah). A portrait of the Rebbe is clipped to his stroller.
Interview with Mrs. Deren, a Chabad (Lubavitcher) Hasid in Pittsburgh. Night before the bris (circumcision) of her grandson, the child of her daughter Chanie and her husband, Berel Lazar. (Part 2) 2/20/1995
Terms you may encounter:
Borukh Hashem: Blessed be God
Ainikl/ainiklekh: grandchild/grandchildren
Shaliakh/shlikhim/shlikhus: Chabad emissary/emmisaries; a Chabad outreach mission
Zaideh: Grandfather, also pronounced Zyda
00:00:13 - Interview with Mrs. Deren: About how she and all of her siblings are shlichim. About her father's reaction to hearing that daughter Chanie was going to Russia to serve as a shaliach there.
00:05:05 - About Chanie as the baby of the family. About acceptance of Chanie moving with her husband to Russia.
00:08:11 - About outsiders' false perceptions of Hasidic women as "confined." About shlikhes being a partnership of husband and wife, a way of life. Explains what being a shaliach means.
00:11:19 - In Mrs. Deren's home: children, grandchildren and their parents, grandmother to welcome Berel and Chanie Lazar's baby son before his bris and to say the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4–9 and 11:13–21 and Numbers 15:37–41, the Jewish confession of faith) and other blessings and to sing a song about Moshiach (the Messiah). A portrait of the Rebbe is clipped to his stroller.
00:22:57 (HH:MM:SS)
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