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Interview with Yaffa Eliach (2)
Footage from the 1997 documentary “A Life Apart: Hasidism in America” (directed by Menachem Daum and Oren Rudavsky), the first in-depth documentary about Hasidic Jews, members of a distinctive group within Judaism that has roots in pre-World War II Eastern Europe.

Interview with scholar Yaffa Eliach. (Part 2) 2/16/1995

00:00:29 - Interview with Yaffa Eliach: About the influence of Hasidism and "Hasidic energy" on, for instance, the Zionist movement.

00:02:09 - About Hasidism before the Holocaust as an established movement which had lost its fervor to change the world. About how Hasidic positivism gave some people the strength to withstand the Holocaust.

00:06:02 - About her roots as a member of a non-Hasidic family. About her commitment to teach the Holocaust from the perspective of the victims rather than from that of the perpetrators. About how her work on the Holocaust has been influenced by Hasidic belief in light, goodness, humanity.

00:11:43 - About the Holocaust as a challenge to faith. About how the revival of Hasidic courts in America after the war gave some survivors a sense of continuity. About how Hasidim have continued to group themselves according to geographic origin.

00:14:32 - About the important role of rebbes in the rehabilitation of survivors after the war and how this explains why Hasidism flourished after the war in America but not before the war.

00:17:28 - About the differences between early Hasidism and the Hasidism of today, which is traditionalist and not innovative, more materialistic. About how expensive glatt kosher meat is.

00:20:31 - (Audio drops out here.)
00:32:43 (HH:MM:SS)
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