Footage from the 1997 documentary “A Life Apart: Hasidism in America” (directed by Menachem Daum and Oren Rudavsky), the first in-depth documentary about Hasidic Jews, members of a distinctive group within Judaism that has roots in pre-World War II Eastern Europe.
Interview with Martin Marty (2)
00:00:30 - Interview with Martin Marty: About Hasidim as "good Americans."
00:02:21 - About the "fragility" of tolerance and how fundamentalists are a test of it.
00:05:15 - About how Hasidism is more threatening to mainstream Jews than to non-Jews.
00:06:32 - Comparison of the Hasidim to the Amish.
00:08:16 - About the negotiations fundamentalists make with modernity and how Hasidim need to be careful stewards of their culture and tradition while making some compromises.
00:11:19 - About how Americans are currently engaged in a spiritual search and exploring traditional sources.
00:13:37 - About how sects and other non-mainstream religious movements have always been present in America. About how Hasidism is in some sense part of the zeitgeist. About how those who see the price as too high will leave Hasidism.
00:16:44 - About the differences between being born into a tradition and joining as a convert. Discusses Catholicism.
00:20:16 - About his own ambivalent feelings about people and structures that are highly disciplined and how it is similar to how he feels about fundamentalist movements. Attraction and repulsion.
00:21:52 - About how Hasidic stories are the stories that continue to be passed on.
00:22:31 - Audio only. Continuation of interview . A story of the Ba'al Shem Tov (Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer, the founder of Hasidism, also known as “Besht”).
Interview with Martin Marty (2)
00:00:30 - Interview with Martin Marty: About Hasidim as "good Americans."
00:02:21 - About the "fragility" of tolerance and how fundamentalists are a test of it.
00:05:15 - About how Hasidism is more threatening to mainstream Jews than to non-Jews.
00:06:32 - Comparison of the Hasidim to the Amish.
00:08:16 - About the negotiations fundamentalists make with modernity and how Hasidim need to be careful stewards of their culture and tradition while making some compromises.
00:11:19 - About how Americans are currently engaged in a spiritual search and exploring traditional sources.
00:13:37 - About how sects and other non-mainstream religious movements have always been present in America. About how Hasidism is in some sense part of the zeitgeist. About how those who see the price as too high will leave Hasidism.
00:16:44 - About the differences between being born into a tradition and joining as a convert. Discusses Catholicism.
00:20:16 - About his own ambivalent feelings about people and structures that are highly disciplined and how it is similar to how he feels about fundamentalist movements. Attraction and repulsion.
00:21:52 - About how Hasidic stories are the stories that continue to be passed on.
00:22:31 - Audio only. Continuation of interview . A story of the Ba'al Shem Tov (Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer, the founder of Hasidism, also known as “Besht”).
00:24:58 (HH:MM:SS)
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