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Vol. XXI—No. 4

Board of Higher Education sues State Commission Against Discrimination arguing they lack legal authority over the services that employ teachers, BC Librarian Rose Sellers completes tour of visits in the Middle and Far East including Hebrew University's Graduate Library and is made Chairman of their University Graduate Library building fund by the Pioneer Women Organization, BC blood drive takes place, Housing Plan Association host Mardi Gras events for BC students, Two United Nations Fellow visit BC, Gershwin Lounge will house Division of Community Services following the conclusion of some construction, Congresswoman Helen Gahagan Douglas puts forth harsh critique of Eisenhower foreign policy, Professor Louis Breglio plans workshop on publicity releases for BC student organizations, Rudigore and Shoes That Dance represent BC at eleventh season premiere of the Brooklyn Community Children's Theater, BC sophomores and seniors experiencing indecisiveness around choosing a major will have access to an upcoming six-week group guidance series, Dr. Abraham S. Eisenstadt's manuscript collection, Professor Daniel Coogan discusses writer Thomas Mann, Executive Council adds additional program for BC freshmen orientation, BC Theater Developments, Sarah Pettit and Fred Koch announce their retirement, BC Swim team prepares for Fall season, Bill Frank leads modern dance master lesson to one hundred students.

Preferred Citation: Kingsman, Volume XXI, Issue 4, October 14, 1960. Brooklyn College Illumira, URL, accessed on mm/dd/yyyy.
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