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Vol. XXI—No. 7

BC fights for Men's soccer title, Dr. Herbert F. Friedman is selected recipient of BC's "Alumnus of the Year" award. Eleanor Roosevelt cancels her "Students for Kennedy" appearance, Conference on Teacher Education critiques the phenomenon of television, tea time for students on Dean of Faculty Honors List begins, BC series on career conferences begins, Faculty Student Committee on Student Organizations provides opinion on National Student Association, the Little Orchestra Society concert gives perhaps its best performance at BC to date, BC attributes enrollment increases as the cause of space issue in classrooms, two civil rights resolutions are passed by Executive Council, Chemistry Professor Seymour Liking is hard at work securing funds for a Catholic seminary in Nigeria, former President Harry S. Truman speaks at CIty College and sings Kennedy's praises.

Preferred Citation: Kingsman, Volume XXI, Issue 7, November 4, 1960. Brooklyn College Illumira, URL, accessed on mm/dd/yyyy.
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