Vol. XXVIII—No. 10.
BC tightens registrations procedures after 35 cases of fraud emerge, two candidates are chosen as potential nominees for the role of Executive Council President, BC’s Faculty Council approves a new regulation requiring seniors to take their final exams during the allotted periods, overturning a previous exception which allowed seniors to opt out of such exams except for “basic courses” which apply to all students, Creative Arts Journal to have its first issue published on 5/4/64.
Preferred Citation: Kingsman, Volume XXVIII, Issue 10, May 1, 1964. Brooklyn College Illumira, URL, accessed on mm/dd/yyyy.
BC tightens registrations procedures after 35 cases of fraud emerge, two candidates are chosen as potential nominees for the role of Executive Council President, BC’s Faculty Council approves a new regulation requiring seniors to take their final exams during the allotted periods, overturning a previous exception which allowed seniors to opt out of such exams except for “basic courses” which apply to all students, Creative Arts Journal to have its first issue published on 5/4/64.
Preferred Citation: Kingsman, Volume XXVIII, Issue 10, May 1, 1964. Brooklyn College Illumira, URL, accessed on mm/dd/yyyy.
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