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Vol. 1—No. 5.

BC football trounces C.C.N.Y at Ebbet’s Field in horrid weather conditions on 11/4/1950, BC Professor Spengler discloses plans for an enhancement to “college community” facilities which includes the establishment of a “College Community Building” as well as the development of a “Brooklyn College Serves the Community” brochure, Paul Robeson does not attend BC meeting yet lends support for its objectives, prompting half of the participants to walk out in protest, National Student Association determines that no rights were violated in the the revocation of the Vanguard’s charter, Dr. Hans Kohn will speak at BC’s 7th annual Honors Day Convocation according to Librarian Bousfield, BC’s Pan-Hellenic Association will carry out its annual fashion show in partnership with the Student Social Activities Board.

Preferred Citation: Kingsman, Volume 1, Issue 5, November 10, 1950. Brooklyn College Illumira, URL, accessed on mm/dd/yyyy.
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