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Between the Wars: World War II Begins

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British and French leaders meet with Hitler in Munich in September of 1938. The Munich Accords that are developed stipulate that Hitler will retain portions of Czechoslovakia he already occupies but will go no further. By spring of 1939 Hitler overruns the rest of Czechoslovakia and in September launches an attack on Poland in direct violation of the Accords. Britain and France declare war on Germany. Roosevelt persuades Congress to relax some of the country's isolationist policies, to trade with but not loan money to allied combatants. When World War II breaks out in Europe, Greece has a larger Army than United States. The U.S. begins to condemn Japanese action in 1938, and even gives China a small loan. Once the Nazis control all of Europe public opinion shifts toward greater American involvement and war production increases.
American History, American Studies, European History, International Relations, Foreign Policy of the U.S., World Wars of the Twentieth Century, Unfinished Nation, The
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