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Other America, The: Eisenhower's Use of Covert Action to Accomplish U.S. Aims

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The agreement ending hostilities in Korea is signed. Eisenhower feels that covert actions using the CIA is a better way to project American influence than military confrontations. The CIA overthrows the Prime Minister of Iran in 1953 because it is believed that Iran is tilting toward the USSR and is about to nationalize its oil fields. Eisenhower takes similar action in Guatemala in 1954, instituting a more conservative government aligned with the U.S. At the same time the country massively expands its nuclear arsenal to guard against large-scale war. The French request military assistance from the U.S. in Vietnam, but Eisenhower will only help financially and send advisors.
American History, American Studies, International Relations, American Presidency, Unfinished Nation, The
00:03:35 (HH:MM:SS)
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