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Right Turn: Bush Presidency, The

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George Bush easily defeats Michael Dukakis in the 1988 presidential election. During Bush's term of office the Berlin Wall is torn down, the Soviet Union breaks up and signs the Charter of Paris, and the U. S. becomes the world's only real superpower. In 1990, the U.S. becomes involved in defending Kuwait against Iraq in the Gulf War. Bush's popularity is at a record high immediately after this brief Gulf War, but the glow of victory fades as the recession of 1991 deepens. The economy becomes the principal issue in the 1992 presidential campaign won by Bill Clinton, five-time governor of Arkansas.
America in the 20th Century, American History, American Studies, Foreign Policy of the U.S., American Presidency, Unfinished Nation, The
00:02:38 (HH:MM:SS)
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