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Railroads in U.S. history (1830-2010): railroads come to America (1830-1840)

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In 1830, America was an agrarian nation slowly inching its way west across the continent, but that was about to change spectacularly with the introduction of the steam locomotive and railroads. These topics, along with how a steam engine works, are discussed in this program. This series offers a fresh perspective on how railroads created and shaped America's financial institutions, America's singular brand of capitalism and its unique way of doing business. The growth of American railroads from 1830 to 1930 is identical to the growth of the nation into the premier industrial power in the world. It is a colorful story that examines the roles and contributions of Johns Hopkins, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jay Gould and E.H. Harriman. It is a story that begins a new era in the 21st century with Warren Buffett and his purchase of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway.
Railroads in U.S. history (1830-2010)
00:28:54 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
American history students
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Name Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc.
Address3065 High St., Mohegan Lake, NY 10547
Email[email protected]
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