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Nation Torn, A: Cuban Missile Crisis

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In 1962 a U-2 spy aircraft discovers Russia is installing medium-range missiles with nuclear warheads in Cuba just 90 miles from the U. S. mainland. President Kennedy convenes the Executive Committee of the National Security Council, and after a week of private deliberations announces that the U.S. will blockade further arms shipments to Cuba and demand missiles be withdrawn. When Khrushchev pushes ahead and makes the missiles operational Attorney General Robert Kennedy tells Russian Ambassador Dobrynin that they have 48 hours to withdraw missiles or the U.S. will take action. Khrushchev agrees and the threatened invasion of Cuba is averted.
America in the 20th Century, American History, American Studies, Foreign Policy of the U.S., American Presidency, Unfinished Nation, The
00:03:31 (HH:MM:SS)
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