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The Immune System

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This program examines how the human immune system defends the body against disease-causing invaders—and how in some cases its antigen-fighting capabilities can be turned against the bodily cells it protects. Topics include the elements of the immune system, passive barrier defenses and nonspecific reactive responses, the humoral immune response and its associated antibodies, and the process of cell-mediated immunity. The program also addresses the importance of vaccines, the mechanics of allergies and autoimmune diseases, and advances in the field of immunology. A viewable/printable instructor’s guide is available online. A Films for the Humanities & Sciences Production. A part of the series The Human Body: How It Works.
00:22:40 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
Higher education
Copyright Holder
Name Films Media Group (Firm)
Address200 Metro Blvd. Suite 124 Hamilton, NJ 08619
Email[email protected]
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This video is protected by copyright. You are free to view it but not download or remix it. Please contact the licensing institution for further information about how you may use this video.
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