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Dividing Decimal Fractions: Dividing Decimals: Four Different Outcomes

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This clip presents four different outcomes that may occur when dividing decimals: The first possibility is that the division comes out even "just as it stands, with no remainder." The second possibility is that the division comes out even only after zeros have been added to the dividend. The third possibility is that the answer comes out even, but only after a great deal of effort is expended. As the clip states, "For practical purposes, extra accuracy (can be) very expensive. More expensive tools, more expensive measuring instruments, more parts to throw out. You wouldn't bother unless you really needed it." The fourth possibility is that the division never comes out even. "You can't wait for a remainder of zero," the clip explains, "...because you'll never get it." The clip then states that, "...if you can't get an exact answer, you always get a pattern of digits...such decimals are called 'repeating decimals'."
Developmental Math, Remedial Math, Basic Arithmetic, Business Math Business Math, Basic Math
00:10:02 (HH:MM:SS)
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Name INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications
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Email[email protected]
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