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The world’s greatest moneymaker: Warren Buffett

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“Invest, don’t speculate.” “Only deal in things you can understand.” “Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy.” These are three of the maxims of Warren Buffett—the modern Midas who, with a net worth in the tens of billions of dollars, is arguably the world’s greatest moneymaker. How has he achieved such success? This program examines the Oracle of Omaha’s deceptively simple business strategies as it spotlights the high points and low points of his amazing career. This is pure Warren in his own words and the comments of those who know him best. Original BBC broadcast title: The World’s Greatest Money Maker: Evan Davis Meets Warren Buffett.
00:49:04 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
Higher education
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Name Films Media Group (Firm)
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