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Acts of Faith: Jewish Civilization in Spain

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Many Latinos in the American Southwest wear amulets and perform certain practices different from their fellow Latino Catholics—and are discovering only now, to their great amazement, that they are descended from Jews who chose conversion rather than death at the time of the great expulsion from Spain in 1492. This program looks at remnants of what was once the great Jewish civilization in Spain: the artifacts, which were Christianized or destroyed, and the people, many of whom continued to practice elements of the religion and folklore of Judaism and for most of whom the memory of Jewishness has long since been extinguished.
00:56:29 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
Higher education
Copyright Holder
Name Films Media Group (Firm)
Address200 Metro Blvd. Suite 124 Hamilton, NJ 08619
Email[email protected]
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This video is protected by copyright. You are free to view it but not download or remix it. Please contact the licensing institution for further information about how you may use this video.
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