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Critical Thinking and EAP in a Summer Bridge Program
Incoming college freshmen often suffer from lack of academic readiness, and colleges increasingly do less general education and more specialized, career-oriented learning. A Summer Bridge Program, funded by NJ Educational Opportunity Fund, provides five weeks of intensive works in English for Academic Purposes (EAP). General EAP skills are Critical Thinking; Information/Computer Literacy; Metacognition; Time Management, and Vocabulary Awareness. The four Quadrants of EAP cover reading, writing, listening and speaking in academic settings. To address these various needs, we developed a program of hyperlinked presentations, videos, and free web tools for vocabulary building and guided discovery, mind-mapping, research and writing. We immersed the students in speech and text based receptive and productive activities. The program also included hybrid versions of our institution's Foundations for Success and Speech. We intended that the students, free from content and testing anxieties, could concentrate on preparing themselves for college-level academic work. Five twenty-hour weeks encouraged the students to organize their lives and habits to embrace the challenges of freshman year. We hope to continue the Bridge Program, and extend EAP studies into Fall semester for non-EOF students.
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Higher education
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