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A Good Death: Case Studies in End-of-Life Care

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At the Sacred Heart Palliative Care Centre in Sydney, Australia, a small group of health care professionals are devoting their careers to death. Sacred Heart’s patients have all been diagnosed with a terminal illness—but instead of pursuing elusive cures and treatments, they have embraced the finality of their lives with guidance that contradicts much of conventional medicine. In this film, four of those patients have made another courageous decision. They have allowed cameras to accompany them on their last journeys, which focus on spending time with loved ones and receiving palliative care that maximizes dignity and comfort. Conversations with patients, doctors, nurses, and scholars praise the Sacred Heart environment, which replaces stress and false hope with what might be called empowerment.
00:45:21 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
Higher education
Copyright Holder
Name Films Media Group (Firm)
Address132 West 31st Street 17th Floor New York, NY 10001
Email[email protected]
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