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With millions dead of AIDS and millions more infected with HIV, Africa is in danger of becoming little more than a graveyard. In this program, ABC News anchor Ted Koppel and correspondent Dave Marash deliver three successive reports on the AIDS epidemic currently spinning out of control in Zimbabwe. Together they address the hardships of a society composed of mostly the very old and the very young; the wildfire spread of HIV in a culture that supports casual sex; and the grim future facing a nation deprived of its core adult population. Archbishop Desmond Tutu joins in the discussion of this monumental tragedy.
00:59:59 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
Higher education
Copyright Holder
Name Films Media Group (Firm)
Address132 West 31st Street 17th Floor New York, NY 10001
Email[email protected]
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This video is protected by copyright. You are free to view it but not download or remix it. Please contact the licensing institution for further information about how you may use this video.
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