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Yulie Cohen-Gerstel questions her own decision to return and raise her family in war-torn Israel, while challenging the myths of Zionism. As she wonders about the future that awaits her daughters in a country embroiled in continuous war, she stretches a connecting thread from the murder of Jews in the Holocaust to the war of independence to the rise in settlements and the condition of Palestinian refugees in Israel today. She confronts her parents on the role they played in the pre-state Palmah militia, goes to Hungary with Motti Golani to visit his childhood home, talks with a Holocaust survivor, whose house currently stands on displaced Arab land, and with Ruthi Gillis, the widow of Shmuel Gillis, a doctor who was shot to death in 2001 on his way home.
My Israel – Revisiting the Trilogy
00:59:35 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
adult/continuing education, higher education, high school (grades 10-12), college
Copyright Holder
Name Women Make Movies
Address462 Broadway, STE 500, New York, NY 10013
Email[email protected]
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