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The Making of Mankind - Episode 3: A Human Way of Life

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About this title: Attempts to discern how the earliest humans lived, worked and ordered their society. Shows how archaeologists have begun to piece together life one-and-a-half million hears ago from bones and stones discovered on one of the oldest camp sites in the world. Visits the Kalahari Desert, home to one of the few remaining hunter-gatherer groups left on the Earth.

About the Series: Narrated by palaeo-anthropologist Richard Leakey, The Making of Mankind is a seven part series that charts the evolution of humankind from killer ape to tool maker.

Palaeoanthropologist Richard Leakey traces the origin of the species in this yet to be equaled BBC production. From the fossil beds in East Africa, where Leakey himself made breakthrough discoveries, to tool makers who walked upright, the aggression of the killer apes and the sensitivity of the caveman placing flowers beside a grave come together.
The Making of Mankind
00:49:20 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
intermediate (grades 7-9), higher education, high school (grades 10-12), college, adult/continuing education
Copyright Holder
Name Ambrose Video Publishing, Inc.
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Address145 W 45th St # 1115, New York, NY 10036
Email[email protected]
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