Twenty years after his groundbreaking Emmy®-nominated film Black Tar Heroin: The Dark End of the Street, which chronicled three years in the lives of five young heroin addicts in San Francisco’s Tenderloin, Academy Award®- winning filmmaker Steven Okazaki turns his focus to America’s current opiate-addiction crisis with Heroin: Cape Cod, USA. This 76-minute film takes an unsparing look at the lives of several young people in their early 20s gripped by heroin addiction, living a seemingly endless existence of getting high while cycling through stages of rehab, recovery and relapse. The film also chronicles the impact of the crisis on the community of Cape Cod, a picturesque summer destination known for its quaint villages, lighthouses and beaches – but with an epidemic of young people addicted to cheap, easily-acquired heroin, whose addictions are often the result of being prescribed opiate pain medication after an accident or surgery. Following several subjects who talk candidly about their heroin habits, as well as parents struggling to understand how their children got to this point, Heroin: Cape Cod, USA is an unflinching examination of the heroin crisis in one New England community – where there are few answers and fewer happy endings.
01:15:23 (HH:MM:SS)
Target or Intended Audience
adult/continuing education, higher education
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