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Algebra Collection
Showing 91 to 100 of 408 Resources
Factor: 12x2 - 17x   6

Factor: 12x2 - 17x 6

Practice factoring a trinomial with a negative middle term: 12x2 - 17x 6.

Factor: 2k2 - 18k - 72

Factor: 2k2 - 18k - 72

Factoring a quadratic trinomial with a leading coefficient greater than one.

Factor: 3c2 - 13cd   14d2

Factor: 3c2 - 13cd 14d2

Practice factoring a trinomial with two different variables: 3c2 - 13cd 14d2.

Factor: 3x2   14x   8

Factor: 3x2 14x 8

Factoring a quadratic trinomial with a leading coefficient greater than one that has no greatest common factor. In general, whenever factoring a quadratic trinomial with a coefficient greater than one look for a pair of ..

Factor: 3xy – 9x   6y - 18

Factor: 3xy – 9x 6y - 18

Sometimes a greatest common factor for a polynomial expression can be found before any terms are grouped. This can lead to parentheses inside of parentheses, which can be confusing. Using brackets as a substitute for a s..

Factor: 5c2   3c - 20cd - 12d

Factor: 5c2 3c - 20cd - 12d

Practice factoring: 5c2 3c - 20cd - 12d.

Factor: 5y2   6y   5xy   6x

Factor: 5y2 6y 5xy 6x

Practice factoring: 5y2 6y 5xy 6x.

Factor: 8a2   10a   3

Factor: 8a2 10a 3

Practice factoring: 8a2 10a 3.

Factor: 8x2   10x - 25

Factor: 8x2 10x - 25

Practice factoring a trinomial in which the last term is negative: 8x2 10x - 25.

Factor: 9y2 - 15y   4

Factor: 9y2 - 15y 4

Practice factoring a trinomial with a negative middle term: 9y2 - 15x 4.

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