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William Paterson University of New Jersey Collection
Showing 1001 to 1010 of 4830 Resources
Developing a Business Strategy

Developing a Business Strategy

Once an organization has amassed adequate knowledge and understanding of both itself and the environment in which it operates, it can begin to focus on specific strategic options.

Developing language: learning to question, inform, and entertain

Developing language: learning to question, inform, and entertain

Starting right from infancy, this program charts the development of language during childhood. Basic language acquisition, learned from rudimentary and higher-level child/caregiver interactions, is described. Aspects of ..

Diabetes and Pregnancy

Diabetes and Pregnancy

Dr. Ed McCabe, Chief of the Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, talks about some of the reasons prenatal care is so important. He notes that there is an increased risk of diabetes during pregnancy, adding that all pregna..

Diagnosis: Cancer: Counseling Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer

Diagnosis: Cancer: Counseling Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer

The UCLA Breast Center, a unit of the Jonsson Cancer Center, specializes in treating and counseling women at high risk for breast cancer. Experts from a variety of fields work with patients, developing strategies they ca..

Diagnosis: Cancer: Detecting Cancer

Diagnosis: Cancer: Detecting Cancer

Cancer detection methods vary depending on the location of the suspected cancer. Oral cancers, for example, can be detected by visual examination. Some, like cervical cancer, can be found by collecting cells for microsco..

Diagnosis: Cancer: Diseases Known as Cancer, The

Diagnosis: Cancer: Diseases Known as Cancer, The

More than 40 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime, and more than 20 percent will die from it. When we talk of cancer, we often refer to it as if it were a single disease, but in realit..

Diagnosis: Cancer: Early Detection of Breast Cancer a Key to Survival

Diagnosis: Cancer: Early Detection of Breast Cancer a Key to Survival

Eighty percent of women who are stricken with breast cancer have no family history of the disease. One factor that contributes to their susceptibility is age. Breast cancer is rare in women under 20, but increases from a..

Diagnosis: Cancer: Lifestyle Choices that Reduce the Cancer Risk

Diagnosis: Cancer: Lifestyle Choices that Reduce the Cancer Risk

Cancer is a disease that is influenced by lifestyle choices. Some researchers contend that eating right, staying physically active, watching your weight, and not smoking or exposing yourself to too much sun could reduce ..

Diagnosis: Cancer: Puzzle: The When, Why, and Where of Cancer, The

Diagnosis: Cancer: Puzzle: The When, Why, and Where of Cancer, The

What causes genes to mutate? Are there factors that set such events in motion? Scientists talk about ongoing research that may lead not only to a cure for certain types of cancer but also to prevention strategies that wi..

Diarmaid MacCulloch's a history of Christianity: Episode 1. The first Christianity

Diarmaid MacCulloch's a history of Christianity: Episode 1. The first Christianity

When he was a small boy Diarmaid MacCulloch's parents used to drive him round historic churches. Little did they know that they had created a monster - the history of the Christian Church became his life's work. Now, no ..

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