A very different form of community emerges in New England, one that is also distinctly American. Here the primary social unit is not the isolated farm, but the town-a tightly knit community of people bound together by th..
As the 1700s begin, a new force-the spirit of enlightenment with its emphasis on science and reason- competes with the religious messages of George Whitfield and the first Great Awakening. The movement surfaces in the mi..
The plantation is a uniquely American form of community for many white and black Southerners. The region is largely rural, dependent on such lucrative but labor-intensive crops as rice, sugar, cotton, and later tobacco. ..
Colonial courts also play a significant role in the life of the town. Records of court proceedings provide an intriguing glimpse into colonial life and what was important to people at the time. Historian Helena Wall rec..
The mistresses of successful southern plantations are businesswomen who spend most of their time and energy managing the plantation household. The slave women they oversee have a dual burden: the physical work they perfo..
In the latter half of the 17th century, the well-ordered life New Englanders sought to establish begins to crumble with the advent of a series of calamitous events--a smallpox epidemic, war with Indians, accusations of w..
One of the major challenges facing managers today is the increasing diversity of the workforce. For those who are willing and able to meet this challenge, the result is often a more flexible and innovative organization, ..
Linguist, author and university professor Noam Chomsky explains that the variety of languages in the United States has declined very sharply in the last two hundred years. "When the colonists first came here from Europe,..
This clip states that "mathematicians never divide by decimals. If the divisor is a decimal, they change it to a whole number." The clip then explains how this is done, with the divisor multiplied by some power of ten to..
This clip presents four different outcomes that may occur when dividing decimals: The first possibility is that the division comes out even "just as it stands, with no remainder." The second possibility is that the divis..