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Sociology Collection
Showing 101 to 110 of 242 Resources
Growing Older: Planning for the End of Life

Growing Older: Planning for the End of Life

As the end of life draws near, family members may be called on to make difficult decisions. This can be especially traumatic if their loved one hasn't previously made his or her wishes known.

Health and Inequality

Health and Inequality

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about the complex relationship between health and a variety of factors, including social, racial and economic inequality.

How Wealth is Passed On

How Wealth is Passed On

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about some of the ways in which wealth is passed on from one generation to the next. As an example, he cites the fact that many parents pay for the cost of col..

Implications of Disparity in Wealth Accumulation

Implications of Disparity in Wealth Accumulation

Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Dalton Conley talks about the practical implications of having more or less wealth. He argues that those with adequate financial resources generally attend better schools, and hav..

In God We Trust: Changing Concepts of Spirituality

In God We Trust: Changing Concepts of Spirituality

Not only are most Americans more tolerant of religious diversity than ever before but, in a growing number of cases, their concept of spirituality now transcends specific religious affiliation.

In God We Trust: History of Religion in America

In God We Trust: History of Religion in America

The role played by religion in the United States is nothing new. Religion has been a major component of the American cultural landscape since the inception of the Republic.

In God We Trust: Religion and Polarization

In God We Trust: Religion and Polarization

There are those who contend that the United States is a very polarized society when it comes to religion. Others, however, contend that while there are some sharp differences of opinion among activist groups about contro..

In God We Trust: Religion and Politics

In God We Trust: Religion and Politics

More and more in recent years, religious organizations have sought to turn their ideas into action within the political arena. Conservative Christian groups have received perhaps the most attention for their efforts at m..

In God We Trust: Religion, The Role of

In God We Trust: Religion, The Role of

While rituals and traditions vary from one religion to the next, most religions play a very similar role in the lives of their followers.

In God We Trust: Religion: From Catholicism to Voodoo

In God We Trust: Religion: From Catholicism to Voodoo

For centuries, the Catholic Church has been a powerful, worldwide force. Voodoo, while far less influential on the global stage, has followers around the world as well. What may come as a surprise to most is that Voodoo ..

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