This compilation of ABC News segments reports on the complex, ongoing challenges facing families and organizations that shelter endangered children. The three segments are "Calling All Angels," which explores dangers and..
An emerging high-tech focal point, Frankfurt has the largest foreign and immigrant population in continental Europe. This program studies the effects of that diversity, for Frankfurt specifically and within the larger co..
Religious fundamentalism underpins some of the world’s most intractable political problems as members of fundamentalist groups seek to influence both domestic and international policy. After identifying general hallmar..
This program explores alternative approaches and explanations of learning, including latent learning, learning sets, insight learning, ethology, social learning, and neuroscience. The program emphasizes the recent move t..
This in-depth interview with Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez is presented in the form of a conversation with an old friend he has not seen in a long while. Filmed at "Gabo’s" house in Cartagena, the program is ..
Comparisons between General Motors and the Titanic are unfortunate, but inevitable. Confusing luxury with reliability, favoring a bloated status quo over true innovation, and ignoring a host of danger signals, GM finally..
After what producer David Susskind called "the longest wooing for a part in a lifetime of dealing with stars," four-time Oscar winner Katharine Hepburn made her television dramatic debut as the indomitable, overbearing m..
How is business without borders really affecting the world? As Sabeer Bhatia, inventor of Hotmail; Narayan Murthy, founder of Infosys; and other industry leaders attest, globalization has raised the standard of living in..
Businesses across the globe are embracing an environmentally sensitive approach—not only to maintain credibility and protect the bottom line, but also to attract the best employees. This program explores policies, work..
“Get a cop out here, I’m hurt,” pleads an elderly voice to the 911 dispatcher. “There’s a maniac in the house.” Although the distress call is muffled and chaotic, the facts of the case soon become horrificall..