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William Paterson University of New Jersey Collection
Showing 1121 to 1130 of 4830 Resources
Does All Knowledge Come from Experience?: Hume and the Necessity of Experience

Does All Knowledge Come from Experience?: Hume and the Necessity of Experience

David Hume, the third major empiricist starts from the premise that all knowledge of the world must come from experience. He underscores this point by emphasizing how much more vivid sense impressions are than the copies..

Does All Knowledge Come from Experience?: John Locke's Empiricism and Its Troublesome Gap

Does All Knowledge Come from Experience?: John Locke's Empiricism and Its Troublesome Gap

John Locke and later empiricists dispute the rationalists' claim that pure reason could grasp truths about the world. They argue that all knowledge of the world must come through the senses and experience. Locke compares..

Does All Knowledge Come from Experience?: W.V.O. Quine and Contemporary Empiricism

Does All Knowledge Come from Experience?: W.V.O. Quine and Contemporary Empiricism

W.V.O. Quine, one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, is a naturalist and an empiricist. Quine views science as a vast web of interconnected beliefs which is related to the sensory experience only "..

Does God Exist?: Belief in God...a Panacea or Moral Obligation

Does God Exist?: Belief in God...a Panacea or Moral Obligation

Many turn to religion seeking answers and reassurance, feeding into the criticism that belief in a deity is nothing more than a human concoction that offers solace from reality. Although 17th century philosopher Immanuel..

Does God Exist?: Cosmological Proof for God's Existence by St. Thomas Aquinas

Does God Exist?: Cosmological Proof for God's Existence by St. Thomas Aquinas

In his Summa Theological, Saint Thomas Aquinas offers five proofs to justify God's existence. One, the cosmological proof, results from the study of the universe. It attempts to prove that there must be either a sufficie..

Does God Exist?: Does the Big Bang Prove or Disprove the Existence of God?

Does God Exist?: Does the Big Bang Prove or Disprove the Existence of God?

The Big Bang Theory is the dominant scientific theory about the origin of the universe. According to the Big Bang, the universe was created sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from a cosmic explosion tha..

Does God Exist?: God's Existence and Darwinian Evolution

Does God Exist?: God's Existence and Darwinian Evolution

Darwin's theory of evolution contends that through a process of natural selection organisms that can adapt survive; the rest perish. What was thought to be the work of a Supreme Being is now an evolutionary process. Ther..

Does God Exist?: Problem of Evil and God's Existence, The

Does God Exist?: Problem of Evil and God's Existence, The

A question that haunts many people is how can evil exist in a world where an all-perfect, all-powerful Being also resides? Seven eminent scholars share a thoughtful range of responses to this question, from it is "blasph..

Does God Exist?: Sense of the Sacred, A

Does God Exist?: Sense of the Sacred, A

To some, it is the incredibly rich complexity of the world rather than carefully crafted philosophical arguments that promotes belief in the existence of a God who brought all this about. It is an existential response to..

Does God Exist?: St. Anselm's Ontological Proof of God's Existence

Does God Exist?: St. Anselm's Ontological Proof of God's Existence

Why does the world exist? Why do we exist? Does God exist? Timeless questions. In the Middle Ages, Saint Anselm argues that the existence of God can be deduced from the fact that God is the most perfect conceivable being..

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