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NJEdge Collections
Showing 111 to 120 of 629 Resources
EdgeSecure and EdgeCloud: How we can help you secure the enterprise and the cloud

EdgeSecure and EdgeCloud: How we can help you secure the enterprise and the cloud

A step towards advancing Cybersecurity maturity is to utilize information discovery techniques to obtain the right information that will aid in identifying the security controls that are critical to your organization. Th..

Education In The Digital Age: Minnows and Giants, Oh My!

Education In The Digital Age: Minnows and Giants, Oh My!

Like Janus or perhaps more like Voldemort growing from the head of Professor Quirrell, higher education has two faces. One face is more than 1000 years old and would be familiar to someone visiting from medieval Europe..

Education On Demand and In Your Hands

Education On Demand and In Your Hands

Dr. Robbie Melton, Associate Vice Chancellor of eLearning and Emerging Mobilization Technology, Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) talks about how emerging mobile technologies are transforming programs across higher educa..

Effective Use of Lecture Capture in a Large Lecture Hall Course

Effective Use of Lecture Capture in a Large Lecture Hall Course

This presentation will be a report on an iterative pilot program that has been taking place at the School of Communication and Information (SC&I) in the area of integrating lecture capture technology into a large lecture..

Electronic portfolios: documenting learning outcomes

Electronic portfolios: documenting learning outcomes

Presentation Abstract: Academic and professional standards require documentation of learning outcomes. For students in Communication Disorders programs, specific documentation of the knowledge and skill requirements of t..

Embracing Moodle: how NJIT implemented an open source LMS solution

Embracing Moodle: how NJIT implemented an open source LMS solution

Presentation Abstract: With the increasing costs, complexities and concerns associated with many of todays commercial learning management systems (LMS) many schools are beginning to explore open source alternatives. In d..

Empowering Online Teaching and Learning: Reflections on Implementing an Online Faculty Development Program

Empowering Online Teaching and Learning: Reflections on Implementing an Online Faculty Development Program

As online program initiatives continue to increase at Montclair State University, so does the need to support faculty in making this paradigm shift to online teaching and learning. For the past year, the Track: Technolog..



murder, even though he stubbornly proclaims his innocence. He’s sentenced to a life term at the Shawshank State Prison in Maine, where another lifer, Ellis “Red” Redding (Morgan Freeman), picks him as the new recru..

Engage your Students with VOKI Avatars

Engage your Students with VOKI Avatars

This talk will demonstrate how to create a free customized Voki talking avatar and how it can be used to deliver your message and engage your audience. Voki can be embedded in your online course or webpage. Examples will..

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