Renowned oceanographer and geophysicist Walter Munk talks about shadow zones, which develop in response to surface heating and other geophysical phenomena, and behind which the volume of sound is much lower than in surro..
While Hadley cells are generally considered to be the most basic of atmospheric cells, there are a number of other air circulation patterns, as well. These include the east-to-west moving Walker cells, and the circulatio..
Hurricane Mitch was the most lethal Atlantic hurricane of modern times. It left nine thousand dead, five hundred seventy thousand homeless, and is estimated to have set back the Honduran infrastructure fifty years. It is..
The Coriolis Effect, named for 19th century French scientist Gaspard Gustave Coriolis, describes the apparent force that arises when an object that is moving is viewed in a reference frame that is rotating.
The movement of heat around the globe is one of the most critical components of Earth's climate system. The circuits of air that move as part of the circulation process are known as cells.
The interplay between atmosphere and ocean plays a role in nearly all weather events. The two bodies are in continuous contact with one another, and each influences conditions in the other.
Although a great deal of progress has been made in the field of meteorological research, there is much that remains a mystery, at least in part because the climate system is so unpredictable.
Some of the most important research currently underway in the field of meteorology involves hurricanes.
Monsoons are seasonal patterns of wind circulation associated with large amounts of summer rainfall and thus favorable conditions for agriculture. Monsoon climates exist in Africa, Asia, Northern Australia and, to some e..
Often, a storm begins as the result of air masses that have collided. There remains a good deal of uncertainty as to why some storms are stronger than others.