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William Paterson University of New Jersey Collection
Showing 1221 to 1230 of 4830 Resources
Endless Questions: Performing Experiments

Endless Questions: Performing Experiments

In an experiment, the ideal is to manipulate a single variable. It becomes the only element that differs between control and experimental groups. In a Carnegie Melon study, for example, primates are randomly assigned..

Endless Questions: Research in Immersive Virtual Environments

Endless Questions: Research in Immersive Virtual Environments

Immersive virtual technology allows researchers to create a high degree of ecological realism and still have total experimental control. Researchers can manipulate a single variable as we see in the study of personal d..

Endless Questions: Scientific Method, The

Endless Questions: Scientific Method, The

Research studies require measurements that can be replicated Deciding what to measure often begins with an idea or hunch and the development of an hypothesis. Researchers must create operational definitions, specify..

Endless Questions: Use of Animals in Psychological Research

Endless Questions: Use of Animals in Psychological Research

The fact that experimentation with humans is restricted has led to animal research. Mice, for example, can be genetically bred to be identical allowing researchers to control all relevant conditions. Because mammalian ..

Endocrine Disrupters

Endocrine Disrupters

Zoologist and World Wildlife Fund senior scientist Theo Colborn explains that additives found in some of the plastic products most of us use every day are "endocrine disrupters."

Endocrine Disrupters and Functional Deficits

Endocrine Disrupters and Functional Deficits

Zoologist and World Wildlife Fund senior scientist Theo Colborn explains that endocrine disrupters can lead to functional deficits, including low sperm count and memory problems, as well as immune system disorders and ea..

Endocrine System and the Environment (Part One), The

Endocrine System and the Environment (Part One), The

Zoologist and World Wildlife Fund senior scientist Theo Colborn talks about the Great Lakes environment, where she and her team discovered that offspring of exposed animals were suffering adverse effects that manifested ..

Endocrine System and the Environment (Part Two), The

Endocrine System and the Environment (Part Two), The

Zoologist and World Wildlife Fund senior scientist Theo Colborn explains what the endocrine system does and why it's so critical. She then discusses concerns about the link between exposure to chemicals in the Great Lake..

English Goes Underground

English Goes Underground

With the Norman invasion, English became a third language in its own country, behind French and Latin. In this program, Melvyn Bragg examines the impact of Old French on the development of English. Manuscripts, tapestrie..

English in America

English in America

When Massasoit hailed the Plymouth settlers in their own language, they might have taken it for a sign that English would dominate the New World. Packed with surprising etymologies and intriguing stories, this program tr..

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