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NJEdge Collections
Showing 121 to 130 of 629 Resources
Engaging Students with Free Web Apps

Engaging Students with Free Web Apps

I will present ways to utilize free apps that engage students and ultimately facilitate critical discussion, thinking, and writing. The two main apps I will demonstrate are Polleverywhere and EdPuzzle. Polleverywhere i..

Engaging With Students Through Social Media

Engaging With Students Through Social Media

While social media has become ubiquitous in students’ lives it is still often difficult to know how, when and why to engage with them in an academic setting. This presentation discusses reasons why you may or may not w..

Enron unraveled

Enron unraveled

Presentation Abstract: On the surface, Enron conjures up Churchill's description of the Soviet Union "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." Initially my freshmen Business Ethics students believe they will neve..

Evolution of VDI

Evolution of VDI

Over the past decade, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) has transformed from an expensive, slow solution into a cost effective, easily manageable, and high performing one. Not only will it provide better campus digit..

Evolve Your Security Strategy

Evolve Your Security Strategy

We have all heard it in the news. Higher Education institutions, K-12 school districts, retailers, financial companies, etc, are all targets for hackers and victims of DDOS attacks. In today’s dynamic security environ..

Expanded technology utilization in nursing education: the iNurse initiative

Expanded technology utilization in nursing education: the iNurse initiative

This presentation describes implementation of The iNurse Initiative. The Initiative includes use of iPod touch and iPad for: point of care access to nursing references, learner response system, procedure tracking, learni..

Experiencing the Life of Students with Learning Disabilities

Experiencing the Life of Students with Learning Disabilities

An interactive workshop in which participants can have the opportunity to get involved in understanding the challenges of students with learning disabilities.

Experiments in learning in new media environments

Experiments in learning in new media environments

In this session, Professor Michael Wesch demonstrates his own experiments using new media to create more participatory and collaborative learning environments. This frank discussion includes the failures as well as the s..



Additive Manufacturing (or as it is better known) 3D Printing: a short power point overview of the history of additive manufacturing and the different technologies which are often lumped together under the title of 3D pr..

Faculty Development and Support: Online Pedagogy, Technology, and Resources

Faculty Development and Support: Online Pedagogy, Technology, and Resources

Although online education follows many of the same methods and philosophies as traditional, face-to-face (f2f) counterpart, the online teaching environment provides a unique set of possibilities and challenges when compa..

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