Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief of the Division of Hematology at the USC School of Medicine, talks about the fear in the medical community when the HIV/AIDS epidemic began. Dr. Levine explains that most doctors at the time w..
Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief of the Division of Hematology at the USC School of Medicine, talks about the early days of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Dr. Levine recalls that doctors were initially puzzled that young men who did ..
Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief of the Division of Hematology at the USC School of Medicine, explains that she and others in the scientific community realized early on that the HIV virus was sexually transmitted. But, Dr. Le..
Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief of the Division of Hematology at the USC School of Medicine, talks about the experience of working with Dr. Jonas Salk in the battle to conquer HIV/AIDS. Dr. Levine observes that Dr. Salk taug..
In today's hospitals, the birthing process attempts to facilitate early interaction between mother and child and foster the attachment process. Breast feeding not only connects mothers with their babies but is healthy fo..
About 8 percent of babies are born prematurely and weigh 5 pounds or less at birth; 1.5% weight less than 3 pounds. Although medical advances have increased the survival rate of premature babies, it is still the second l..
Physicians use medical technologies like ultrasound and amniocentesis to monitor the progress of the fetus during pregnancy. Ultrasound allows doctors to detect structural abnormalities, and estimate the age and position..
Reading Greek poetry or listening to classical music may not influence the developing brain of a fetus, but controlling stress certainly does. Research shows that women who experience stress during their pregnancy have a..
At the end of the first stage, during the period of labor called transition, contractions occur every 1 to 2 minutes. In the second stage of labor uterine contractions move the baby into the birth canal. But in some case..
The first part of labor is cervical dilation, rhythmic contractions of the uterine muscles that cause the cervix to dilate and efface. Expectant parents Tracey and J.P. leave for the hospital when her contractions are on..