Historian Peter Onuf explains that the primary difference between the Jefferson presidency and that of John Adams was that Jefferson emphasized state's rights over a strong centralized government, and also paid down the ..
Historian and author Ira Berlin explains that slavery in the United States was not a regional institution. It existed in the north as well as the south, until the north committed to put an end to slavery sometime after t..
American history professor Alice Kessler-Harris talks about shifting employment demographics during Depression, The and again during World War II.
American history professor Alice Kessler-Harris explains that there was less employment discrimination towards women during World War II than there was during Depression, The , but it did persist and then, "...it returns..
Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson talks about the links between certain ethnic groups and specific industries. Professor Jacobson explains that there were initially geographic concentrations..
American history professor Alice Kessler-Harris explains that both men and men were exploited during the Industrial Revolution. But those born in America had other options, Professor Kessler-Harris notes, including the "..
The anticommunist frenzy grows so intense that Congress passes the McCarran Internal Security Act over Truman's veto. A little-known New York couple Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are charged with treasonous activities--stea..
Korea is divided after World War II, with the USSR occupying the northern part of the country, the U. S. the South. In June of 1950 North Koreans attack across the 38th parallel trying to conquer South Korea and unify th..
In the 1948 Presidential election, the Democratic Party is split with Truman's approval at an all time low. The various factions support Strom Thurman, and then Henry Wallace. Republicans unite behind a single candidate,..
With a Democratic majority in Congress, Truman revives a few of the Fair Deal programs. The minimum wage is raised from 40 to 75 cents an hour, but Congress rejects national health insurance and civil rights legislation,..